Mizumusubi Service Miyagi Ltd., in collaboration with Miyagi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau and Mizumusubi Management Miyagi Co., Ltd., won the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award at the 7th Infrastructure Maintenance Grand Prix, and the award ceremony was held at the Prime Minister's Office on January 18th.
The Infrastructure Maintenance Grand Prix aims to recognize and widely introduce excellent initiatives and technological developments related to the maintenance of lifeline infrastructure accompanying social capital in Japan, with the aim of revitalizing the maintenance industry.
This award was given for the introduction of the "Miyagi Prefecture Public-Private Partnership Operation Project (Miyagi Management Concession)." The establishment of a new O&M company rooted in the local community by private business operators, the development and operation of a digital platform, and the deployment of a unique maintenance system that takes advantage of the characteristics of wide-area projects, as well as an integrated management for operation, maintenance, repair and renewal, were highly evaluated.