Industries face major operational and environmental challenges in increasing their competitiveness and improving the efficiency of their production processes. Veolia meets their day to day requirements in terms of quality of service, responsiveness and deadlines in order to raise their technical, environmental and economic performance. Veolias’ major advantage is its ability to support them globally, duplicate best practices and standards and share the same innovations whatever their location.
An industrial utility is an energy vector or flow used on several production lines. It may be heat or cold, steam or electricity. Producing, distributing and consuming utilities in situ is an integral part of any industrial process. Operating and maintaining the equipment producing these utilities is therefore essential in our customers’ competitiveness.
Veolia delivers customized integrated utility management (IUM) Solutions, thereby increasing the sustainability of managed sites and creating value by continuously improving operational performance.
Who are our customers?
Industrial sites and platforms
The Veolia Solution

Integrated utility management
Some examples of key solutions:
→ Steam, cold, compressed air, HB voltage, water cycle
→ Thermal and electrical installations
→ Hazardous and non-hazardous waste management
→ Energy efficiency
Employing a unique integrated services model based on the Group's multi-business (water, energy, waste), multi-site and multi-country expertise, Veolia adds value to infrastructure with sustainable and innovative solutions.
Benefits for our customers
Facility and service availability
A single point of contact with real technical expertise
Full compliance with applicable quality, safety and environmental requirements