Oily Residuals Management



Downstream refining operations produce significant quantities of oil-bearing residuals. Veolia North America provides optimal solutions for the management of these materials by focusing on the inherent value of oil recovery and waste mitigation. With options ranging from thermal desorption, to leveraging the coker to recover all material with zero waste leaving the refinery, our patented and proprietary technologies are backed by experienced operations and a proven commitment to safety.
Our processing solutions are currently installed at over 50 refineries across North America, and are backed by decades of operational and process know-how. Consider partnering with Veolia’s team to develop a custom solution that: 

3-Phase Centrifuge
At the core of our oily residual offerings is the 3-phase centrifuge that Veolia deploys to create a quality solids cake with high oil recovery rates. Various available sizes allow the system to be designed to process oily residuals on the optimal schedule for your operations.
The treatment options for the solids cake are numerous and include: recycling to the coker as an aqueous quench slurry or Scalfeed™ during the coker feed cycle; thermal drying and desorption; or re-use as an alternative fuel (Scalfuel™) for cement kilns, or disposal as a hazardous waste.