Handling of Personal Information

Veolia Japan GK (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (Article 2, Item 3 of the Companies Act) (hereinafter referred to as the “Group Companies") (hereinafter, both are collectively referred to as the “Group”) appropriately acquire, use, manage, provide, and aim to protect personal information in accordance with the national laws and regulations and the Group’s policy and regulations relating to the personal information protection. When different rules are stipulated in each group company, such stipulations of each group company shall be applied, provided that such rules are not in conflict with nor inferior to this policy.

1. Personal Information Acquired and Retained by the Group

The Group acquires and retains personal information within the scope necessary for such information to be used for the business of the Group.

1.1. Main Personal Information Handled by the Group

(1) Personal information of the customers and clients' contact persons
(2) Personal information obtained under an entrustment agreement
(3) Personal information to be acquired when responding to the customers' inquiries to the Group
(4) Personal information of the participants to the events, etc. hosted by the Group
(5) Personal information of the applicants for employment with the Group
(6) Personal information of the officers, employees, contract employees, dispatched employees, subcontractors' employees, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Employees”) of the Group.

1.2. How to Acquire Personal Information

(1) The Group acquires personal information directly from the principal, verbally (in person and by phone), through an entry or input in a document (including electronic or magnetic records; the same shall apply hereinafter), an input in a form on a website,
email or fax transmission, exchange of business cards, or by other similar means.
(2) If newly acquiring special care-required personal information, the Group obtains a principal’s written consent in advance.
(3) If acquiring personal data from a person other than the principal (including the entrusted acquisition), the Group confirms that the provider or trustor appropriately handles the personal data.
(4) The Group partly uses cookies on the website of the Group to provide the most suitable services to our customers. Although the cookies are the text files to be used for the server to read and record the data and composed of the information stored in the customers' computers, the Group will not acquire from these cookies any information that enables identification of personal information.

1.3. Voluntariness of Provision of Personal Information

The principal provides personal information to the Group on a voluntary basis. However, failure to provide necessary information may result in a part or all of our services being unavailable.

2. Utilization Purpose of Personal Information

The Group acquires and retains personal information within the scope necessary for the following utilization purpose.

2.1. Specific Utilization Purpose of Personal Information Handled by the Group

(1) For the personal information of the customers and clients' contact persons, to perform transactions and have business communication.
(2) For the personal information of the trustee and the trustor, to have communication or perform contract work.
(3) To respond to the inquiries, requests, etc. from our customers relating to the services of the Group or other similar matters.
(4) To collect information of the participants to the events, etc. hosted by the Group and have communication.
(5) For the personal information of the applicants for employment with the Group, to confirm the identity of such applicants, have communication with them, and perform other work associated with the hiring and recruiting.
(6) For the personal information of the Employees of the Group, to perform duties related to personnel management, labor management, employment management, health management, benefits, payment of salaries and wages, participation in bidding for and execution of contracted services, and sales activities, etc.
(7) To maintain and operate the system networks and other similar items of the Group and address any failure, accident and other similar events that occurred.
Furthermore, in case when it is based on laws and regulations, or other items listed in the Article 18, Paragraph 3 of the Act of the Protection of Personal Information are applicable, the Group comply with the provisions of the Act.

3. Third-party Provision of Personal Data

The Group will not provide personal information to any third party without obtaining the principal’s consent except in the cases when the provision is made in accordance with the laws and regulations, for joint utilization as described in 4 below, and when a part of work is entrusted to an external party as described in 5 below.

4. Joint Utilization of Personal Data

The Group may jointly utilize the personal information among the Group within the scope of the items listed in “2.1. Specific Utilization Purpose of Personal Information Handled by the Group” above.

4.1. Personal Data to be Jointly Utilized

It is jointly utilized within the scope of information described in “1.1. Main Personal Information Handled by the Group” above.

4.2. Scope of Jointly Utilizing Persons of Personal Data
(1) The Group (Main group companies are listed in the Overview of Veolia in Japan.)
(2) Group companies of Veolia Environment SA (Main consolidated companies and equity method affiliates listed in the annual financial reports, etc. Veolia Environnement SA Finance)

4.3. Utilization Purpose of Personal Data by Jointly Utilizing Persons
It is jointly utilized within the scope described in “2.1. Specific Utilization Purpose of Personal Information Handled by the Group” above.

4.4. Person Responsible for Controlling the Personal Data to be Jointly Utilized
Veolia Japan GK
Yokoso Rainbow Tower 11F, 3-20-20, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0022
The name of the representative is listed in the company profile of Veolia Japan GK

5. Entrusting of Handling of Personal Data
The Group may entrust the handling of the personal information to an external company for a business operational reason. When entrusting the handling, the Group examines the level of personal information protection of the trustee, executes an agreement for personal information protection stipulating the confidentiality and other similar provisions, and thoroughly supervises the trustee.

6. Security Control Measures
To ensure the accuracy of personal information and prevent unauthorized access to and leakage, loss, damage, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Leakage, etc.”) of personal information, the Group establishes the basic policy and takes measures including organizational security control measures such as appointment of Personal Data Protection Manager, human security measures such as employee trainings, physical and technical security measures to prevent the Leakage, etc., and other necessary and appropriate security control measures.

7. Inquiries and Request for Disclosure, etc. about Personal Information
If you have any questions or requests about the handling of personal information by the Group or if you wish to request a notice of utilization purpose; disclosure; correction, addition, or deletion of the description; cease of the utilization; erasure; cease of the
third-party provision; or disclosure of the record on a third-party provision (hereinafter referred to as the “Disclosure, etc.”) about your personal data retained by the Group, please contact the following inquiry desks. We make an appropriate response without delay in accordance with the laws and regulations and the internal rules.

7.1. Inquiry Desks for Handling of Personal Information
[Inquiry desk for the Company]
(1) Name of Business Operator: Veolia Japan GK
(2) Address of Business Operator: Yokoso Rainbow Tower 11F, 3-20-20, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0022
(3) Inquiry Desk: Personal Data Protection Manager;  Veolia Japan Office of Personal Data Protection
(4) email: jp.veolia.japan-dpo.int.groups@veolia.com

[Inquiry desks for the Group Companies]
Listed in Inquiry Desks of VJ Group Companies on handling of personal information

8. Change in “Handling of Personal Information”
The Group may change the contents of “Handling of Personal Information” when any change is made to the laws and regulations or according to the business necessity or for other similar reasons. A notice at the time of change, etc. is posted on this website.


Date of Establishment: September 1st, 2022

Guillaume Dourdin
President and Representative Director
Veolia Japan GK

Personal Data Protection Manager
Veolia Japan Office of Personal Data Protection