On August 18, six female junior high school students visited Veolia Japan's Technical Center in Tokyo to try working in water treatment. On that day, experiments in coagulation sedimentation, observation of microorganisms through a microscope, and a roundtable discussion by our female employees in research and technical positions took place. Participants commented that they were interested in how water treatment works, and that it was good to hear the real voices of female employees at the roundtable discussion.
The Veolia Japan Group participated in the "Summer Riko-Challe 2022" co-sponsored by the Cabinet Office, the MEXT, and Keidanren to promote the advancement of female students into science and engineering fields. This event was part of that initiative.
The Veolia Group promotes diversity and gender equality in the workplace globally. As one of the 18 specific indicators set to realize the Group's Purpose, the Group set a numerical target for the "proportion of women appointed within Veolia’s Top 500 senior executives".